Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Are You Mentally or Emotionally Healthy?

How do you know if you are mentally or emotionally healthy? Many strongly believe your emotional health is correlated to your attitude, behaviors, and decisions you make every second. Over the years as a mental health provider I found that many people do not know when they might need assistance in maintaining good emotional or mental health. Nevertheless, I came to the conclusion that many are not aware of the warning signs. You may ask yourself, what are the warning signs? Most of our lives are a routine; we make sure we eat, pay bills, handle life issue, attend parties, spend times with friends and family, work, or try to be productive. However, sometimes handling life issues can be very stressful, which affects our attitudes, behaviors, and coping ability, especially if children or teenagers are involved in the denominator. What are we doing to make sure we are emotionally stable in a world where we have to produce in order to maintain our families or take care of ourselves? There are many doors we can walk through to help us maintain good emotional health, but first of all lets identify when we need to seek emotional or mental health or those warning signs.

  • If you feel life is overwhelming and believe you can’t move forward
  • If your thoughts are continuing going and you find it difficult to focus – end up losing your job or failing classes
  • If you’re hearing voices or seeing people or things you know are not real
  • If you’re feeling like a failure and believe the only way you can escape extreme sadness, depression or anxiety is by death or defeating habits (drugs, alcohol, cutting of self, unsafe sex, etc.)
  • If you have frequent or constant feelings of hopelessness and extreme doubt
  • If you are continually feeling alone and powerless
  • If you cry easily and often for no apparent reason
  • If you can’t sleep – or sleep too much
  • Have thoughts of death or suicide – PLEASE GET HELP NOW!
Now that we are aware of a few warning signs, what can we do to help maintain good emotional or mental health? Please read a list of ideas below but know there are many more positive things you can do.

  • Get a therapist that you feel comfortable talking to and will not judge you
  • Join a group that will allow you to talk and learn from, find a meet and greet, or people that you can relate to and do activities with
  • Find a friend(s) that you can develop a good relationship with; a person that will support you and allow you to vent when you need to
  • Try to gain balance with all your activities such as – exercising, work, play, or relaxation
  • Learn different techniques to cope with stress – writing, walking, listening to music, singing, exercising, driving, praying, etc
  • Get enough rest and try to eat healthy meals
  • Find time to do things you enjoy that will not harm you
  • Try not to develop stress and anxiety because of procrastination, get tasks done on time
  • Listen to what others have to say and find someone to help or give out to

These are just a few things you can do, but please don’t ignore the signs or not help yourself due to pride. We all find ourselves in a place we need more than what we can offer ourselves. So I repeat my question to you, are you emotionally or mentally healthy? All you have to do is look at your life...

Nancia Leath, LPC, NCC
Clinical Director

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